Thank you!
on July 21, 2021
at 10:44 am
The Final Kay and P Kickstarter is now fully backed! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported and shared the fund to get us this far. There is still plenty of time left too! If you know anyone who might still like to get their books preordered, please feel free to share it around. I’ll keep ya posted as we get closer to the end and I see book proofs!
ALSO – I’m doing a show this year! I’ll be at MICE (Mass Indi Comic Expo) this August – MICE is probably my favorite show to do, and their doing an outdoor, in-person even this year. I’ll be there on Sunday, August 29th – and will have a proper post on that soon.
Jackie, would you like a proofreader for the book? To catch typos and spelling mistakes and whatnot? I’d be happy to offer.
Thank you for the offer! If I need anything I’ll let you know!