Kay and P: Issue 30, Page 06
Oh- oh I must have nodded off there.
This week it’s time to help out SaveMoneySaveLife – a group that makes and runs accessible events for BIPOC folks. Over the New Year, they had scheduled a huge donation of items in need – but it was stolen before the items could complete their journey. You can help out here by donating money or items to replace what was lost!
I’m re-reading the comic and I just noticed the woman with the purple hair in the second to last panel has a cane with a pompom on it lol. When I first started walking with a cane wayyy back in 2016 I put two blue pompoms on it, because “if I’m gonna walk around with a giant third leg I’m going to have the balls to match.” I even had a side shave too lol Did you get the idea for her while visiting Toronto by chance XD
I have been to Toronto once! Maybe we passed each other! XD I was more directly inspired by Annika Victoria (a YouTuber) who calls herself a “babe with a mobility aid” and is very open and educational about her chronic illness and the materials she uses for that. She’s very cool and often decorates her power chair, and that’s what inspired me.